CEP Goals
The Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) is comprised of a set of goals that acts as a blueprint for the school year. Each goal is created to help strengthen the entire school community by setting concrete, measurable goals. The CEP goals for the 2021-2022 school year are:
ELA: By June 2022, in grades 3 – 8, the percentage of students receiving a level 2, 3, or 4 on the NYS ELA exam will increase from 75% to 85%.
Math: By June 2022, in grades 3-8, the percentage of students receiving a level 2, 3, or 4 on the NYS Math exam will increase from 69% to 79%.
Supportive Environment Framework– By June 2022, practices related to Social Emotional Support will improve as demonstrated on surveys from 51 to 61% (percent of students who feel there is a person they can trust and turn to in the building when they have a problem) as measured by the NYC school survey which results in improved Collaborative and Trusting Relationships